The Aaronic Priesthood restoration site is located in Oakland Township, Pennsylvania. In addition to a beautiful chapel/visitor's center, the church has rebuilt replicas of the home of Isaac and Elizabeth Hale and the home of Joseph and Emma Smith. When Joseph and Emma were married in 1827 they first lived in New York with Joseph's family but within a year they moved into Emma's parent's home where Joseph began translation of the Book of Mormon. However, they only stayed there for a brief amount of time. They moved onto a 13.5 acre farm near the Hale's home, which had a house that Emma's brother Jesse had built, and a barn. Joseph later purchased the property from Emma's father, Isaac Hale.

With the help of his wife, Emma, also Oliver Cowdery and some others, Joseph continued translation of the Book of Mormon. Joseph received several revelations in this home that are now recorded in the Doctrine and Covenants.

Joseph and Emma's first son was born here in 1828 and died the same day. He is buried in the cemetery near their home.